Itching to Learn More?
Dr. Taylor peels back the mystery enshrouding the Homeopathic Treatment of Skin Disorders.
Flash DVD Sale - only $60 including shipping within the US!
ACHENA Approved for 15 Hours - Available Online Only
The skin is the body's largest organ; an average person's skin weighs 9 pounds and covers an area of 22 square feet. Today, skin diseases are rampant and victimize almost every person at some point during his or her lifetime. Surveys suggest that 20 - 30 % of the world population has a skin problem which deserves some form of medical attention. Unfortunately most people prefer to treat skin diseases with topical applications, which are useless or worse. When practiced correctly, homeopathic medicine offers significant help with skin diseases by addressing the underlying root cause of the condition. However, a high rate of success treating dermatological diseases with homeopathy will depend on the skill and training of the prescriber. In this this seven week course, Dr. Will Taylor will address the homeopathic management of disease which manifests primarily in expressions of the skin - both in the acute and chronic setting – thereby providing the needed tools to effectively treat a myriad of common skin conditions.
Among the topics we will address are:
- The taxonomies and formal nomenclatures of skin disease
- Common expressions versus characterizing/differentiating features of skin pathology
- Skin disease as a concomitant to, or in alternation with, internal expressions of disease
Specific conditions discussed will be selected from:
- Atopic eczemas
- Contact dermatitis
- Seborrheic dermatitis and cradle cap of infants
- Acne
- Urticaria (hives) & angioedema
- Lichenoid eruptions - lichen planus &c.
- Acute skin infection - impetigo, cellulitis, erysipelas
- Necrotizing skin lesions - spider bites, necrotizing streptococcal and staphylococcal infection, gangrene
We'll also consider the common homeopathic directive to avoid the “suppression” of symptoms of the skin, along the “law of cure” suggesting the evolution of disease from external to internal and the corresponding direction of cure in the opposing direction; and attempt to come to a more sophisticated understanding of when & when not to target expressions of the skin in our homeopathic work with patients in both the acute and chronic setting. All topics will be discussed within the context of specific cases posted for review prior to each session.
ABOUT Will Taylor

"My goal is to help you develop specific skills in casework
and materia medica study which you can apply productively in every-day practice."
Dr. Will Taylor is one of today's most engaging homeopathic teachers. He is a research scientist, medical doctor and naturalist. He encourages an in depth discussion of the classical homeopathic approach in materia medica study and case analysis.
PRAISE FOR Will Taylor
I must say I am completely and totally impressed with the online classes you provide. I wish I had more time!
I especially appreciate “simple” classes that go in depth regarding one specific remedy, such as Helleborus, Aethusa, Rhus tox, etc. I would love more of these! Kim Elia and Dr. Taylor do such a fantastic job of presenting the whole picture of remedies. I would appreciate even one-hour classes on the more common remedies... I have studied these remedies but I consistently get a clearer picture after a session with Kim or Dr. Taylor.
Thank you for making these available!
— Anna B.
Please tell Will Taylor that I thoroughly enjoyed his course and he is a fantastic teacher. He has such an easy going manner, very in depth knowledge, humor and clear teaching that it is pure pleasure to hear him.
— Student
I adore Will's presentation style, have had him several times as a teacher at the school I attended. I appreciate his sense of humour and movie quotes. I will listen to him anytime. If I could afford to take all his online classes, I would.
— Student
I am so delighted to have discovered Dr. Taylor as a teacher. He is among the best I have encountered. His depth of knowledge, understanding of disease, and humility make him a joy to learn with. He presents a high bar with his dedication to excellence, which inspires us to reach farther with our own professional development.
— Student
I wanted to thank you yet again for another wonderful course. You certainly are a talented educator with so much experience, I feel extremely grateful to have the opportunity of learning from you and also for the invention of webinars! Thanks to you and your WHN team, I am now addicted and find it really hard to resist each new series on offer.
— Student
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderfully enlightening and stimulating course on Rheumatic Diseases. I learned so much from the enormous detail you managed to cover each week. I'm sure it takes a tremendous amount of time and energy to research and compile each lecture - but nothing goes unnoticed Will, I'm sure everyone is most grateful to you.
I know I've said this to you before, but I'd really like to tell you again - you are an extremely inspiring educator with a depth of knowledge in so many areas, it's always such a treat to spend whatever time I get to share your insight. And all this with a wonderful sense of humour.
— Student
I love, love, love the Rheumatic Diseases course as well. (Want more of that.) -- Also looking forward to the Cardiovascular Course.
— Sarah D.
Thank you for a wonderful Webinar. This was my first webinar with you, and I really enjoyed it. This has opened up a whole new universe for me to learn homeopathy. Up until now I always avoided webinars. But yours was as good as a live seminar. I am so glad I signed up for it.
I look forward to attending more of your webinars in future.
— Prafulla M.
Refund Policy: No refunds issued for WHN courses
If you are having technical issues with PayPal and need help enrolling,
please contact the Course Coordinator at: whnclasses@whnow.com,
888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)
International shipping charges apply for DVD/CDs, and depending upon current restrictions, we may not be able to ship to your country. Contact us to confirm and obtain shipping charges.
The DVD option gives you all the same materials and presentations. The only thing it does not provide that the online option does, Is the Letter of Attendance or ACHENA Hours. DVD plays on a computer & CD is in MP3 format.
Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation to view on your computer.
- Online review and self-assessment quizzes for each session.
- Documentation of Homeopathic Education Hours* - The full completion of this course provides 15 hours of Homeopathic Education.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and Repertorizations.
*To receive Homeopathic Education Hours: You must watch the recorded sessions, and complete all quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your Letter at the conclusion of the course. Partial course credit is not given for WHN courses.
For More Information - or to register offline:
Email whnclasses@whnow.com
or call 888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)
Special Bundle - Enroll in Online Access & Add the DVDs for Only $85!*