Oh, My Aching Sacroiliac!
With Joe Kellerstein, DC, ND
Dr. Kellerstein will share his approach as a naturopathic medical doctor, practicing chiropractor and homeopath to provide relief for patients suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
ACHENA Approved for 15 Hours
Back pain is among the most frequent of presenting complaints in clinical practice: over 60% of the population experiences it in one form or another. It limits mobility and productivity, costing individuals and industry billions of dollars annually. And the cost to overall enjoyment of life is incalculable.
Back pain may be conceptualized as a local problem, but it is also a great segue into the study of the whole person.
It is thought that back pain is a microcosm of the needs of the entire individual, and can lead to greater observations about the person as a whole. Therefore the remedy for the entire case may well be reflected in the precise nature of the specific back pain. If we understand this, we have the opportunity, by honing our skills, to identify the chronic remedy and to heal the entirety of the individual, along with the back pain, in one fell swoop.
Our repertories house a wealth of information on back pain, listing no less than 524 remedies for it.There are more than 100 remedies of Grade 2 or higher for the Back, Pain rubric alone, not to mention the hundreds of sub-rubrics found for this debilitating and demoralizing condition. Navigating this wealth of information can be overwhelming and confusing, but doing so successfully will dramatically boost your everyday results. There is a great opportunity for precision because of the great number of entries. Dr. Joe Kellerstein's training in both homeopathy and chiropractic makes him your perfect guide through the byways and wonders of the rubrics and materia medica of back pain and sciatica.
Sessions will include discussions on:
- Relevant anatomy: cervical, dorsal, ribs, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal
- Mechanics of spinal motion
- Case taking instructions
- From Aesculus, through Arnica, Rhus-tox, and Variolinum, and many more in between: the expected, and not-quite-so-expected, remedies
- Hygiene issues and their impact
- Herniation, arthritis, facet syndrome, sprains, etc.
But wait! Enroll in the course on back pain and we'll throw in, at no extra charge, information on neck pain and related conditions, including whiplash disorder and torticollis.
Elevate your prescribing skills from vague likelihood to greater clinical certainty by learning how to differentiate among remedies. Gain clarity and confidence through an understanding of their unique modalities and geniuses.
Let Dr. Kellerstein's 30+ years of experience help get your patients 'back in the saddle' and riding tall again using the gentle, rapid, and long-lasting modality of homeopathy.
ABOUT Joseph Kellerstein

Dr. Kellerstein, Doctor of Chiropractic and Naturopathic Medicine, is both a gifted teacher and a respected scholar of homeopathy. He has been in practice since 1983 providing chiropractic and homeopathic care. His principal homeopathic teachers include André Saine and Robin Murphy.
Dr. Kellerstein was the first Chairman of the Department of Homeopathy with the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. He currently teaches a post-graduate program, Hahnemannian Perspectives, and also lectures at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. He completed a 66 hour course on The Organon for WholeHealthNow.
PRAISE FOR Joseph Kellerstein
In the last 20 years the most well known homeopaths have given lecturers in Romania. The WHN courses are so perfectly structured and presented that it is a privilege to attend them. Moreover, I think the work WHN is doing is a way to pay respects to the exquisite old American Homeopathic School.
— Mariana Galesanu, ...
I really enjoyed your seminar on Organon. I have read Organon several times in the past, but I haven't got the understanding like this time with you...
— Jason Kwee
This call with Joe has been the best study experience I have had so far in homeopathy... I just wanted to thank you guys at WHN for offering this conference call and to let you know - this group would be grateful for any course offerings by Dr. Joe Kellerstein.
— Julian James
Dr. Kellerstein is the real deal! There are no gimmicks, no false promises, no shortcuts, just good old classical homeopathy presented with absolute clarity.
— Daniel Lander, B.S...
It has been a distinct pleasure to have attended several lectures on classical homeopathy taught by Dr. Joseph Kellerstein, D.C., N.D. His knowledge and presentation of the Organon and homeopathic materia medica are surpassed by very few. He has a rare capability of taking seemingly complex concepts and synthesizing them into easy to understand teachings that can be implemented into practice the very next day. I have learned and continue to learn a great deal from him. I highly recommend attending his lectures. You will be truly enlightened.
— Dr. Saveria A. Zam...
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888-722-5423 (Pacific Time).
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You will receive all presentations and materials with the DVD, EXCEPT for Quizzes, Letter of Attendance and ACHENA Hours. DVD plays on a computer & CD is in MP3 format.
Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation to view on your computer.
- Online review and self-assessment quizzes for each session.
- Documentation of 15 Homeopathic Education Hours.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and Repertorizations.
*To receive Homeopathic Education Hours with your Online Access: You must watch the recorded sessions, and complete all quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your Letter at the conclusion of the course. Partial course credit is not given for WHN courses.
For More Information - or to register offline:
Email whnclasses@whnow.com
or call 888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)
Special Bundle - Enroll in Online Access & Add the DVDs for Only $85!*