The Challenge of Case Management
With Jeremy Sherr
ABOUT Jeremy Sherr

Jeremy Sherr's name is widely recognized in today's international homeopathic community. From his groundbreaking work on proving methodology, to his current clinical project, Homeopathy for Health in Africa, Jeremy has been a leader in homeopathic thinking and education for well over 2 decades. Jeremy is acknowledged by the homeopathic community as a brilliant and creative thinker who is well grounded in the philosophy and writings of Hahnemann.
Jeremy was born in South Africa and grew up in Israel. He began his studies at the College of Homeopathy, London, in 1980 and began teaching while still in college. Jeremy has taught the Dynamis curriculum throughout Europe and North America, and has lectured in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and China. He was awarded a fellowship from the Society of Homeopaths in 1991, a Ph.D. from Medicina Alternativa, and is an honorary professor at both Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China and the Candegabe University in Argentina. Jeremy was the first to re-develop the science and art of provings and has published important works in both print and software.