Glyphosate Exposed:
An Overview of Toxic Pathways and Interventions With Kate Birch
An Introduction to the History & Politics of Monsanto & Bayer With Kim Elia
Join us for an impactful session! Kate will review the history, use and ramifications of glyphosate, and touch upon approaches to detoxification and a path to cure. Kim will begin the conversation about the parties involved in this modern-day scourge.
ACHENA Approved for 13 Hours
According to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. It was first registered for use in 1974, and there are now over 750 Glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) products for sale in the United States. The NPIC goes on to state that, based on the majority of studies, “glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic.” The Environmental Protection Agency agreed with that statement in their 2017 risk assessment draft. They determined that glyphosate is not carcinogenic to humans “when the product is used according to the pesticide label.” In the same draft, they admitted that “potential ecological risks” to plants, birds, and mammals were found due to spray drift exposure.
On the topic of “spray drift,” the NPIC reported that “glyphosate isn’t likely to vaporize after it is sprayed.” The spray carries on the wind, its denseness never lessening, and contamination has caused certified organic produce — never directly sprayed — to test positive for glyphosate. Worse, the toxic chemical does not sit benignly on the soil or plants, and is not easily washed off. The NPIC freely admits that glyphosate was “taken up by carrots and lettuce after the soil was treated with it.”
Independent researchers (from the University of Berkeley, the University of Washington, and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) published a meta-analysis with supporting evidence in the July - September 2019 journal, Mutation Research. They came to the conclusion that there is “a compelling link between exposures to GBHs and increased risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).” The highest exposure groups had an increased risk as great as 41%.
Kate Birch would agree with the independent researchers and argue further that illnesses other than non-Hodgkin lymphoma can be traced back to glyphosate exposure. A homeopath since 1994, Kate finally, in 2017, made the connection between her sudden-onset hyperthyroidism and a massive glyphosate exposure she experienced in 2006. Frustrated that homeopathic remedies had never fully cured her condition, she embarked on a glyphosate detoxification program that ultimately allowed her body to heal. Once the disruption caused by GBH was removed, homeopathic remedies did the rest. Kate’s eye-opening and life-renewing experience gave her the health and know-how to share her compelling story and what she learned along the way. In February 2019, she published her fifth book, Glyphosate Free.
Kate will present five, two-hour sessions – each will be packed with detailed information about:
- Exposure pathways: Which bodily systems are most disrupted by GBHs?
- GBH’s reach: What is the true extent of global GBH toxicity?
- Impact on homeopathic cure: How extensively do GBHs create an obstacle to cure?
- A solution: What can be done to remove the toxic overload of GBH?
Kim Elia will teach the sixth two-hour session and explain the history and politics of Monsanto, Bayer, and Round-up. He will discuss the history of GMO foods and the probable consequences of all the recent lawsuits against Monsanto and Bayer.
Max Ventura will offer a seventh bonus session for students in the course. She will discuss how statewide pesticides programs work, resulting in unseen pesticide exposure in our daily lives. She will look at the history of pesticide use and the resulting activism over past recent decades. By learning about what has proven effective, we won’t have to reinvent the wheel as we engage in actions to turn things around at the source. Max will also share her thoughts as to how we may look at our patients and their needs when they come to us after their doctors, in most cases, have not understood the source of their illness(es) and have left them with no help at all.
We'll conclude the course with a live Q&A session following Max's presentation, with suggestions to empower ourselves to address the pervasive problem of pesticides in our communities. Between Kate, Kim and Max, you will come to know almost everything there is to know about glyphosate – a difficult but necessary topic.
This seven session course is outlined as follows:
- Session 1: Glyphosate the Biome, Gluten and Tight Junctions
- Session 2: Glyphosate, Enzymes, Proteins and Digestive Pathways
- Session 3: Glyphosate, Neurotransmitters, Vagus Nerve, Acetylcholine and Cerebral Inflammation
- Session 4: Glyphosate, Adenosine, Immune System, RNA Viruses, Vaccine Injury and Cancer
- Session 5: Glyphosate, the Endocrine System and Effects on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal or Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Axes
- Session 6: The History and Politics of Monsanto, Bayer and Round-up - rescheduled for November 26
- Session 7: Experiences in Pesticide Activism, Course Wrap-up & Empowerment
GBH infiltration has impacted our clinical outcomes, our food sources, and our entire planet in horrendous ways. Almost any diagnosis or symptom can be triggered by the far-reaching effects of GBH. It’s time to understand these devastating consequences and learn effective strategies on how to combat this toxic menace in order to help our patients and ourselves.
Learn how to become Glyphosate Free in an increasingly toxic world!
ABOUT Kim Elia

Students from around the world have expressed appreciation and admiration for Kim's superb knowledge of the history of homeopathy, his deep understanding of homeopathic prescribing, and his extensive knowledge of materia medica. He is known for his dynamic and distinctive teaching methods which reflect his immense knowledge of the remedies and his genuine desire to educate everyone about this affordable and effective healing modality.
ABOUT Kate Birch

Kate Birch lives and practices in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She came to homeopathy when, as a young mother, she witnessed her son suffering from acute asthma after vaccinations.
After successfully seeking treatment for her family, Kate studied homeopathy, and has been in homeopathic family practice since 1994.
Since 1990 Kate has over 2500 hours in homeopathic and clinical education and has studied under many international masters. Kate has a general practice for men, women and children for all health concerns from infancy throughout life. Since 2000 she has specialized in childhood development issues, infectious disease, vaccine damage and homeoprophylaxis. Kate has devoted her life to humanity through the practice of homeopathy. She is an internationally respected teacher and author of five books.
You haven't lived until you have had the enormous pleasure of experiencing Kim Elia's teaching. With his dynamic, entertaining, engaging and up-beat style, Kim taps into his vast knowledge to bring remedies to life, forging an indelible impression. Kim is the perfect storm of whirlwind energy, masterful understanding and lightning perception - all to regale you with the kind of learning experience that lasts forever.
— Frans Vermeulen an...
Kim Elia is one of our most outstanding teachers and exponents of Homeopathy. His knowledge of the Synthesis Repertory, and Repertories in general, as well as his knowledge of the Organon, Chronic Diseases, Materia Medica, and the history of Homeopathy is superb. Through his insights into past Homeopathic masters and their teachings, and his deep understanding of homeopathic prescribing, Kim has demonstrated a general mastery over our vast homeopathic literature. I am thrilled to be learning from Kim, and I am gaining from his vast experience that he presents so succinctly, lucidly, and clearly. I look forward to future courses with him.
— Ahmed N Currim, Ph...
Every time I hear Kim teach, I say to myself: ‘What a dynamic teacher!’ He has prepared his material so very well and offers it with such clarity, with a waterfall of questions that demand that the student actually think about the issues being discussed. No doubt that anyone participating in such a high caliber teaching session will walk out refreshed and, most of all, significantly more knowledgeable!
— Frederik Schroyens...
It is a great pleasure and honour to recommend Kim Elia. Kim brings to homoeopathy a unique knowledge of materia medica, repertories and advanced case analysis. His friendly nature and clear step by step explanation of deeper issues in homeopathic practice clearly show his genuine desire to help the person in front of him. Anybody who has heard Kim once would certainly want to hear him again and again. I have learned many things from Kim, and indeed, through his long career as a teacher in North America, Kim has cultivated a vast knowledge from which many others will be able to learn also."
— Farokh Master, MD,...
It is a rare constellation of qualities to find an educator in homeopathy who is collaborative, as well as both insightful and inspirational. Kim has all of these and more. He has a humility that belies a deep well of knowledge. At a time when there is much that is speculative and guesswork in homeopathic education Kim is able to ground his work in excellent theory and convincing cases. But as well as his case work, Kim's strength is his materia medica and students the world over have benefited from his seminars and webinars on our remedy indications often utilising the best of the latest technology. He is not just a true teacher of the art and science of homeopathy, he is also very, very funny. You just have to attend. Cheers.
— Alastair Gray, PhD
Kim Elia is perhaps the most widely traveled homeopath in the world. In the process he has acquired discrimination. He knows good homeopathy and not so good, good teachers and charlatans. He is rooted in the Organon and is a master of repertory. He knows how to access the world literature on homeopathy rapidly and with tremendous insight. If he does not have a case illustrating a certain remedy from his own extensive practice, he knows where to find an excellent one from the literature. He teaches with great enthusiasm and humor. There are only a handful of teachers in the homeopathic community of his caliber.
— Karl Robinson, MD
Kim Elia is one of our most exciting and dynamic homoeopathy teachers. He is a literal wealth of information, not only homoeopathic philosophy and practice but in the historical sequences that created homoeopathy. Highly recommended.
— Jeremy Sherr
In his teaching Kim is true to the three letters in his name: Embedded in an atmosphere of vigour and animation, Kim’s presenting style is
The three together spell excellence in the teaching of homeopathy.
— Frans Vermeulen
I am on lecture 2 of your History course. I have not felt such excitement from a course in recent memory! This is so captivating and rich I can't wait to get through all the classes! I sincerely believe that this course should be required for all students of Homœopathy (and one day, God willing, all students of allopathic medicine). Thank you so much for offering this to me. It is a work of art.
— Douglas Falkner, M...
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Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation with simultaneous computer and audio conferencing.
- Optional online discussion forum with other course participants.
- Online review and self-assessment quizzes for the all sessions.
- Documentation of 13 Homeopathic Education Hours.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and repertorizations may be posted at the discretion of the instructors
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You do not need to participate live to receive the full benefit from these sessions. These sessions have been recorded and posted on the private course website for review at your convenience.
*To receive Verification of Attendance: You must watch the live or recorded sessions, and complete the quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your letter at the conclusion of the course.
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