How to Boost Your Immune System

Given by Lisa Samet, naturopath, homeopath



SALE Price: $ 9

ABOUT Lisa Samet

Lisa Samet graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathy in 1998 and has been practicing in Montreal since then. 

Lisa Samet’s practice attracts patients who have not been satisfied with their results using the conventional medical system. She sees patients with all type of chronic and acute diseases.

ABOUT Lisa Samet

Lisa Samet graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathy in 1998 and has been practicing in Montreal since then. 

Lisa Samet’s practice attracts patients who have not been satisfied with their results using the conventional medical system. She sees patients with all type of chronic and acute diseases.


I have been a patient of Dr. Samet’s for over 20 years. When my husband was recently diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s, I immediately purchased her webinar on the subject – both to help stop the progression of this awful disease in my husband, but also it was a wake up call for me to take care better care of myself!

I found the information to be extremely comprehensive and practical. We are changing our diet as per her recommendations, have incorporated exercise, as well as particular supplements backed by research. We learned many things we didn’t know and I feel much more empowered to manage things with this new information.


Thank you Dr Samet!

— H.F.

I thought I knew a lot about Alzheimers but I learned so much from this webinar – an incredible amount for the price actually!

Thank you Dr. Samet for this generous offering – I recently found out through 23andMe that I have one of the Alzheimer’s genes, and even though I have no real symptoms yet, I am going to do everything possible to get out in front of it. I particularly loved the recommendations on how to better use your brain to grow new neurocircuitry to keep the brain young and alert. I started taking piano lessons as a result, as per one of your many suggestions, and am not only enjoying this immensely but I DO feel my memory is better already.

— R.S.

Dr. Samet’s webinar on Menopause was so informative, it made me wonder – why is this subject still a taboo?? Information is usually shared in whispers with an embarrassed giggle among best girlfriends. Why does it have to be this way? Dr. Samet lays it out in plain English – the research, the facts and best of all – THE SOLUTIONS: homeopathic, herbal, lifestyle changes, supplements, dietary suggestions for weight loss, hot flash management, mood swings and more. A MUST watch.

— M.R.


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