An Introduction to the Homeopathic Treatment
of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Dr. Jain shares his approach to Neuropsychiatric Disorders and offers a glimpse at some of the
proven homeopathic remedies you will find useful in working with your patients.
ACHENA Approved for 13 Hours - Category 1
Neuropsychology is the study of brain function in relation to behavior, emotion, and cognition. It combines neurology (the study of the nervous system) with psychology (the study of the mind’s functions, especially those affecting behavior). It helps us to understand how brain disorders and injuries may affect - and be affected by - psychological factors.
How is behavior influenced by our nervous system? That question - as well as many others - will be answered by Dr. Tarkeshwar Jain in this 6-week course. He will cover a wide variety of diagnoses - everything from childhood developmental disorders (autism, ADHD, etc.) to degenerative disorders in the geriatric population (Parkinson’s, dementia, etc.). He’ll also cover mood disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, and movement disorders, as well as addictions, phobias, migraines, seizures, and more.
Dr. Jain has treated neuropsychiatic disorders successfully for several decades. Through his vast experience and numerous cured cases, he has honed in on certain remedies that have repeatedly shown themselves to be curative - always keeping in mind the individual characteristics of each patient. His aim is to treat the mental disorder as well as its underlying cause and the individual susceptibility. The “typical” symptoms are examined more closely to uncover the true essence of a patient, and it is most often on the mental plane where this essence is best seen. Successful homeopathic treatment brings new hope to these patients and frees them from the myriad side effects of standard psychiatric drugs. Dr. Jain will teach us about these curative remedies, sharing the particular details that led to each cure.
Remedies covered include:
… and more!
Hippocrates wrote, “The brain exercises the greatest power…,” and his writings acted as a catalyst for the medical community of his day to begin focusing on the brain rather than the heart as the “seat of the soul.” Hundreds of years later, our medical community knows without a doubt that Hippocrates’ theory was correct. As homeopaths, we know that the mental sphere is the deepest, most important level of a living being, and that assessing the totality is the best way to treat any condition.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from such a richly experienced teacher and clinician ~ Dr. Jain will demonstrate how to find the totality of symptoms in our neuropsychiatric patients, and you will learn to achieve success while working with these common, yet challenging, conditions.
ABOUT Tarkeshwar Jain

Dr. Tarkeshwar Jain, MD (Hom.) received his MD (Hom.) from the prestigious Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Center in Jaipur, India. He is a renowned practitioner and international speaker whose energy and dedication have benefitted the homeopathic community tremendously.
Dr. Jain's proficiency with remedy comparisons, as well as his deep understanding of miasmatic diagnosis have allowed him to help many patients with impressive results.
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please contact the Course Coordinator at: whnclasses@whnow.com,
888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)
Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation with simultaneous computer and audio conferencing.
- Optional online discussion forum with other course participants.
- Online review and self-assessment quiz for each session.
- Documentation of 13 Homeopathic Education Hours.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and repertorizations may be posted at the discretion of the instructors.
Discs WERE NOT produced for this course.
You do not need to participate live to receive the full benefit from these sessions. All sessions have been recorded and posted on the private course website for review at your convenience.
*To receive Verification of Attendance: You must watch the live or recorded sessions, and complete the quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your letter at the conclusion of the course.
For More Information - or to register offline:
Email whnclasses@whnow.com
or call 888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)