ACHENA Approved for 4 hours
According to statistics, roughly 20 million women and 10 million men will suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder some time in their life. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia comprise the majority of such cases, with women outnumbering men 9:1 in Anorexia. Many individuals who suffer from eating disorders are incompletely or ineffectively managed with conventional approaches, often suffering lifelong symptoms and disability. Overall morbidity and mortality from eating disorders is significant. Homœopathic treatment has much to offer such individuals, including significant reduction in symptomatology, and many times complete and radical cure of this disease.
This two-part course outlines the nature of eating disorders and their homœopathic treatment. Using case examples, Dr. Falkner discusses how to effectively treat and manage your patients who are suffering from these conditions.
ABOUT Doug Falkner

Dr. Douglas Falkner is a Certified Master Homeopath. For his training he worked with, studied extensively, and completed courses and seminars with Stephen Messer, Paul Herscu, Lou Klein, Vega Rozenberg Jan Scholten, Vassilis Ghegas, Rajan Sankaran, and others. As a trained Emergency Physician, and an instructor for hospital-based Clinical Emergency Medicine, Dr. Falkner brings a broad conventional medical background as well to his understanding of health and disease and to the homeopathic healing art.
PRAISE FOR Doug Falkner
I adore Dr. Falkner! I have had the great pleasure of working with him since the early 90's. I have always had wonderful results!! I am most grateful. I do not think my life would be as positive and happy as it is without Dr. Falkner and homeopathy. I so appreciate his deep wisdom, powerful insights, and the art and skill he uses in his practice of homeopathy. He is definitely a master of his craft! I am grateful for all he has learned and that he shares it with us for our benefit! He is a remarkable healer and one of my all time favorite persons in my life!!
— Renee C.
I’ve realized that I have learned more from you in under a year’s time than in all the years of previous training I’ve received. I am confident that as a graduate of your school I will be able to use homeopathy to truly benefit others. My feeling is that your work as a teacher of homeopathy is not only “worthwhile”, it is a vital contribution to the field as a whole, and to the healing of our world.
— Katia W.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your hard work around our learning homeopathy. It is inspiring, exciting, and humbling to watch you take a case: it seems so simple, elegant, supportive, and effective. I really see the art that you bring to it, as well as the skill and scientific knowledge. It is beautiful. I am glad to be learning from you. Thank you.
— Elizabeth B.
Refund Policy: No refunds issued for WHN courses
If you are having technical issues with PayPal and need help enrolling,
please contact the Course Coordinator at: whnclasses@whnow.com,
888-722-5423 (Pacific Time).
Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation to view on your computer.
- Online review and self-assessment quiz.
- Documentation of Homeopathic Education Hours* - The full completion of this course provides 4 hours of Homeopathic Education.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and Repertorizations.
*To receive Homeopathic Education Hours: You must watch the recorded sessions and complete the quizz with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your Letter at the conclusion of the course. Partial course credit is not given for WHN courses.
For More Information - or to register offline:
Email whnclasses@whnow.com
or call 888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)