Richard Pitt

Richard Pitt has practiced homoeopathy for over 30 years. He originally trained and practiced in the U.K. and also studied homoeopathy in Greece and India. He has been involved with homeopathic education for many years, running a school in San Francisco for 12 years, and also teaching throughout the country. He was involved with the development of standards of practice and education, serving on the board of the Council for Homeopathic Certification for 17 years, which has established the largest accreditation organization in North America. He also served on the boards of the Council for Homeopathic Education and the California Health Freedom Coalition, which established the legal framework for the practice of alternative and complementary medicine in California. He was also on the board of the California Homeopathic Medical Society and still edits the journal of this organization, the California Homeopath.

He has also spent over eight years traveling the world and has spent much of this time in India and parts of Africa. He has been involved in three different projects in Africa, including establishing a school in Ghana and working in an integrative medical clinic, and in Malawi he helped establish a homeopathic clinic in a rural part of the country. In Kenya he has been working with an existing homoeopathy school, helping to establish a professional association and assisting in the educational development of students and graduates of the school. He has been working with homeopaths throughout the world, including Brazil, India, U.K, Australasia and North America. He is now Educational Director of the Kenya School for Integrated Medicine (

Richard has just published a new book Comparative Materia Medica: Integrating New and Old Remedies, exploring the art of materia medica study and the dynamics between the use of newer and well known remedies ( He is also author of  The Natural Medicine Guide for Travel and Home, which explores homeopathic and herbal medicines for all forms of travel, including tropical countries, and also discusses the use of homeopathic prophylaxis and conventional prevention options. ( He has previously written a book on a proving and study of tobacco, called  Tobacco, An Exploration of its Nature through the Prism of homoeopathy.

Contact Details:

  • Kenya AddressKenya School for Integrated Medicine, PO Box 147 Kwale, Kenya
  • Kenya Phone Number:254 705075347
  • Email:
  • Websites: