An Introduction to The Homeodynamics of Pandemics & Epidemics
During this enlightening one hour presentation, Dr. Wadhwani will delve deeply into a proper understanding of the dynamics of an epidemic or pandemic and the profound therapeutic results that can be realized when applying the time-tested principles of Homeopathic practice.
ACHENA Approved For 13 hours Category 1
The Covid-19 global pandemic, which broke out in Wuhan, China more than two years ago, is said to have already infected more than 326 million people, 65 million of whom reside in the United States. Given the several factors contributing to the inflation of pandemic statistics, not least of which is the questionable reliability of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test most often used to diagnose the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the claim that Covid-19 has killed 850,000 Americans and a total of 5.5 million people worldwide must be viewed with some skepticism. Regardless, the pandemic is clearly entering a new phase in its evolution.
Although the currently dominant Omicron variant of this coronavirus appears to produce milder symptoms and be far less lethal than previous strains, it is nevertheless the most highly transmissible form of the virus seen to date. Moreover, some of those infected suffer extreme, even life-threatening symptoms. Now that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has entered animal reservoirs, it is generally agreed that it will be with us for the foreseeable future. Fortunately for the world, homeopathy — which has already demonstrated extraordinary success in treating Covid-19 patients — enjoys unique capabilities for the accurate diagnosis and successful treatment of any variant appearing today or in the future.
In two lengthy articles entitled “The Friend of Health” (both of which are available in The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann), the founder of homeopathy offered extensive instructions on how to manage an epidemic. Part I, the briefer piece, published in 1872, is primarily concerned with protecting physicians, nurses, and clergy from being infected by patients. Part II, published in 1875, is a lengthy letter addressed to the Minister of Police in which Hahnemann speaks as much as a public health official as a working physician. His specific and detailed advice covers everything from the use of police authority, the arrangement and management of hospital wards, diet, atmospheric controls, sanitation, and further instruction on the protection of physicians, nurses, clergy and others from infection, to the disposal of infected clothing and the careful interment of the dead.
Of course, it does nothing to discount the value of these instructions to note that Hahnemann’s special genius lay in his ability to integrate the general characteristics of a disease with the specific qualities and patterns of the patient being treated. Differences in individual susceptibility explains why not everyone is killed by even the most virulent epidemic diseases. In aphorism 31 in his Organon of Medicine, he notes: “The inimical forces, partly psychical, partly physical, to which our terrestrial existence is exposed, which are termed morbific noxious agents, do not possess the power of morbidly deranging the health of man unconditionally; but we are made ill by them only when our organism is sufficiently disposed and susceptible to attack of the morbific cause that may be present, and to be altered in its health, deranged and made to undergo abnormal sensations and functions - hence they do not produce disease in every one nor at all times.”
In aphorism 73 in the same book, Hahnemann augments his description of the factors in the onset of individual illness with additional ones found in the spread of a contagion. The latter “[A]re of such a kind as attack several persons at the same time, here and there (sporadically), by means of meteoric or telluric influences and injurious agents, the susceptibility for being morbidly affected by which is possessed by only a few persons at one time. Allied to these are those diseases in which many persons are attacked with very similar sufferings from the same cause (epidemically); these diseases generally become infectious (contagious) when they prevail among thickly congregated masses of human beings. Thence arise fevers, in each instance of a peculiar nature, and, because the cases of disease have an identical origin, they set up in all those they affect an identical morbid process, which when left to itself terminates in a moderate period of time in death or recovery.”
Thus, homeopathy’s vast therapeutic range pulls together a broad spectrum of diagnostic factors that include the nature of the circulating pathogen, the results of biological testing, the patient’s personal idiosyncrasies, susceptibilities, hereditary and familial influences, the encompassing psycho-social situation, and the relevant environmental factors (including some as yet unnoticed by conventional medical practitioners). By accounting for the role each of these plays in the individual patient’s presenting pattern, homeopaths are able to comprehend widely different responses to the disease and customize treatment accordingly, even while also acknowledging that for most people contagious diseases typically run a familiar course.
That being said, since the host’s susceptibility plays a major role in the spread of epidemic disease, cases are most effectively and successfully treated with the very individualized treatment afforded by homoeopathy. This explains why although more than 15 Genius (or Genus) epidemicus remedies for Covid-19 have been suggested by various homeopathic organizations, committees and even iconic physicians, none of them has earned the right to a blanket recommendation.
Having treated more than 6,000 Covid-19 patients in 2020-2021, and another 500 of the Omicron variant, Dr. Wadhwani and his colleagues have learned a great deal about how to treat all patient types, all variants, and every stage of the syndrome. Moreover, even though what they have learned specifically relates to Covid-19, the principles and practices involved will apply to any epidemic outbreak.
Topics to be covered is this course include:
- The unique advantages afforded by understanding an epidemic/pandemic as a homeodynamic phenomenon
- The therapeutic potential of homeopathy in pandemics and its application
- Methods of identifying both a single remedy or a group of remedies as a Genius epidemicus for Covid-19
- Determining if and when a novel SARS-CoV-2 strain requires a new Genius epidemicus
- Framing the totality of symptoms for determining the optimal remedy and assessing the treatment outcome in mild, moderate and severe cases with serology and CT scans
- How to decide potency and dosage
- Omicron treatment strategies and protocols
- Therapeutic strategies for dealing with complications that arise in the course of treating Covid-19
- The homeodynamics of Long Covid cases
- The role of the repertory in pandemic case evaluation
This course will provide a unique opportunity to connect with one another, share our experience and knowledge, and strengthen our collective approach to this challenging disease.
ABOUT Gyan Wadhwani

Gyandas G. Wadhwani, MD (Hom) is a post graduate homoeopathic physician with over twenty-five years of clinical experience currently practicing and teaching classical homeopathy at Holistic Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center in New Delhi, India. In the course of his career he served the Government of NCT of Delhi for 14 years and resigned as Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) (Homoeopathy).
Over the years he has lectured internationally on classical homeopathy for medical professionals. His students and colleagues from around the world have expressed their appreciation and gratitude for his knowledge of the classical textbooks of homeopathy and for his clinical acumen.
Gyan is a member of Aude Sapere Groups in South Africa and New Delhi. He has authored more than 110 scientific and academic research papers. He has also been an editorial board member for The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine. With his strong foundation in the homoeopathic system of medicine, he has successfully treated more than 5,000 Sars-Cov 2 positive cases and published a few of these.
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Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation with simultaneous computer and audio conferencing.
- Optional online discussion forum with other course participants.
- Online review and self-assessment quiz for each session.
- Documentation of 13 Homeopathic Education Hours.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and repertorizations may be posted at the discretion of the instructors
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*To receive Verification of Attendance: You must watch the live or recorded sessions, and complete the quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your letter at the conclusion of the course.
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