Free Bonus Session #1

An Introduction to Signs and Symptoms in Pediatric Casetaking


Free Bonus Session #2

A Deeper Dive into Signs and Symptoms in Pediatric Casetaking


Free Bonus Session #3

Dr. Jurj Presents a Solved Case of a Lesser-Known Remedy


Dr Jurj takes the viewer on a guided tour of a very difficult and baffling case and comes out on top with the remedy nobody could have imagined! ... watch it unfolding like a detective story, very gripping, very engaging and the 'whodunit' may come as a surprise


ACHENA Approved for 12 Hours - Category 1


Covers Stramonium, Tarantula Hisp, Tarantula, Cub, Lathyrus Sativa, and more.

Dr. Jurj informed us that he still has a large body of essential materia medica, patient tips and clinical insights that he would like to share. With this 15 module, 180 hour course, he is able to impart a substantial body of important clinical information. Please note that all sessions are recorded and available for you to review as many times as you would like. The recordings do not expire and will become an important part of your Homeopathic library, available to you whenever you need them. In the last sequence (parts 13-15) , Dr. Jurj will share more videos and observations from his 30 years in clinical practice, and will teach us to ’see’ our patients, perceive the indicated remedy, and achieve outstanding success in practice. Do not miss this invaluable series with Dr. Jurj!

Dr. Jurj holds a PhD in Semiotics, the study of how we use signs and symbols to create and communicate meaning, and he is widely recognized for his fusion of Semiotics and Homeopathy. His teaching helps refine our observations during casetaking, leading to a deeper understanding of patient expressions, and toward an answer to the question, “How can observations during casetaking guide me towards a remedy?” Dr. Jurj’s method is masterful for its inclusion of characteristics, peculiars, and striking symptoms into the Totality of the Case. Using this approach, the homeopath is better able to leverage the signs of the patient, and extract from them reliable information to be applied for the most accurate prescription.

During this course, we will make a practical exploration into the coherence between the observable signs and symptoms and the Generals and Mentals of the pediatric patient. As we dig deeper into the non verbal signs and symptoms, we will expand our knowledge and understanding of materia medica, moving beyond book studies to the clinical experience. Dr. Jurj’s method is masterful for its inclusion of characteristics, peculiars, and striking symptoms into the Totality of the Case. Using this approach, the homeopath is better able to leverage the signs of the patient, and extract from them reliable information to be applied for the most accurate prescription.

An Invitation from Gheorghe Jurj:

“Don’t expect too much theory from me: I am a clinician, and my main focus is to obtain results with good remedies prescribed according to the need of the patient, in REAL TIME HOMEOPATHY, not according to any speculations.

I have had the chance to face many thousands of patients, with so many problems, and (because I am too lazy to write pages) I recorded thousands of cases, with clear follow-ups. From this experience, I think it is a duty of mine to share with you and the homeopathic community my humble knowledge and a clinical way to approach the wonderful discipline that is homeopathy.”

Topics we will cover in this course:

  • Specifics of the pediatric consultation: nonverbal signs, genetic influences, dealing with parents, eliciting the specific signs and symptoms. Seeing and understanding peculiarities, significance of the main complaint, trustworthy information.

  • Child development, evolution, and homeopathy: milestones of the growth process, understanding children in evolution, how children grow with homeopathy. Adaptation issues (school, moving, etc.).

  • Constitutional and acute prescribing: significance of acutes, situational remedies, complementary remedies, decompensation, management of trivial but disturbing conditions.

  • Exploring of select ‘children’s’ remedies: face and gaze, behavior, posture, pathologies, constitutions, hands, skin.

  • Selected disease conditions & special disorders: dermatitis, autism, retardation, severe genetic or immune disorders, tetra paresis.

This seminar-style course takes place on Saturdays, with each session lasting a full 4 hours. Sessions are scheduled from 8:00 am - 12:00 noon Pacific time for upcoming parts, and will be convenient for live attendance by those in both Europe and the Americas.

Signs & Symptoms in Pediatric Casetaking will be an interactive course, and live attendance is strongly encouraged. Case videos and video clips will be included during all sessions*, and moderators will field your questions and commentary in real-time. We’re pleased to have Dr. Joe Kellerstein serve as principal moderator and facilitator for Dr. Jurj.

* Participants must sign a confidentiality agreement upon enrollment.

The entire course consists of 15 parts that can be bought separately or in sets:

PART 1  Covers Abrotanum, Alumina, Aethusa, Ammonium muriaticum, Ammonium carb, Antimonium crudum, Apis, Arsenicum, Arsenicum biodatum. 

PART 2 Covers Anacardium, Baryta carb, Bartya sulphate, Baryta phos, Baryta muriaticum, Baryta flour.

PART 3 Bryonia, Bufo, Berberis, and more!

PART 4 Covers Causticum, China  and more!

PART 5 Covers differentiation between movement/walking, cuprum, cinnabaris and more!

PART 6 Covers Dermatitis, calc láctica, calc carbonica, calc phos, calc nitric, hydroxyapatite, Conception maps and remedy relationships

PART 7 Covers Calc bromatum, acne, bromium, baryta bromata, kalium bromatum, Halogenoderma, Calc flouricum, flouric acidicum, calc iodatum, 

PART 8  Covers Crotalus, calcarea sulfurica, calcarea muriaticum, quartz, Dioscoria, Dulcamara, Ferrum metallicum, Ferrum muriaticum, Graphites.

PART 9 Covers Hypericum, Hepar sulphate, Hyoscyamus, Loganiaceae family (Ignatia, Nux vomica), Chvostek, Iris, Kali family (kale bic, kali ars, kali-phos)

PART 10 Covers Kalium family (kali carb, kali-sulph) and dd of Kalium remedies, Lachesis, Lycopodium.

PART 11 Covers Mezereum, Medorrhinum, Natrum group 

PART 12 Nitric acidicum, Nux-moschata, Niccolum, Phytolacca, Platina, Phosphorus

PART 3-12  See parts 3-12

PART 1-12  See parts 1-12

PART 13  Pulsatilla and more

PART 14  Covers Sepia, Staphysagria, Mother and Father types, Ipecac, Carbo veg, Silica, Quartz, Fever differentiation

PART 15  Stramonium, Tarantula Hisp, Tarantula, Cub, and Lathyrus Sativa and more

PART 13-15  See parts 13, 14, 15

PART 1-15  See parts 1-15


This course is available to view
at your convenience!



Sale Price Until the Course Ends: $ 225

No DVD/CD Available

ABOUT Gheorghe Jurj

Dr. Gheorghe Jurj is an MD who has practiced homeopathy in Romania for over 30 years. He has been teaching post graduate courses in homeopathy to physicians in Romania, Spain, and South America for many years.

Dr. Jurj completed his medical training at Romania’s Medical University of Timisoara in 1984. He spent his early years as a General Practitioner in an isolated mountain community with a population of 5,000, where he provided basic medical services, including a small surgery, work medicine, and counseling. During this time he developed the concept of “Real Time Medicine,” which has now become “Real Time Homeopathy”. Dr. Jurj discovered homeopathy in 1990, whereupon he “felt like a salmon back in its native waters.”

Dr. Jurj holds a PhD in Semiotics, the study of how we use signs and symbols to create and communicate meaning. He has fused Semiotics and Homeopathy in a practical and wonderful way, and his teaching helps refine our observations during casetaking, leading to a deeper understanding of patient expressions.

His publications have been included in major professional journals including Homeopathy, Homeopathic Heritage, Il medico Homeopata, Revista de Homeopatia, Int. Jour. High Dilution Res, Ukrainian Journal of Homeopathy, and more.

ABOUT Gheorghe Jurj

Dr. Gheorghe Jurj is an MD who has practiced homeopathy in Romania for over 30 years. He has been teaching post graduate courses in homeopathy to physicians in Romania, Spain, and South America for many years.

Dr. Jurj completed his medical training at Romania’s Medical University of Timisoara in 1984. He spent his early years as a General Practitioner in an isolated mountain community with a population of 5,000, where he provided basic medical services, including a small surgery, work medicine, and counseling. During this time he developed the concept of “Real Time Medicine,” which has now become “Real Time Homeopathy”. Dr. Jurj discovered homeopathy in 1990, whereupon he “felt like a salmon back in its native waters.”

Dr. Jurj holds a PhD in Semiotics, the study of how we use signs and symbols to create and communicate meaning. He has fused Semiotics and Homeopathy in a practical and wonderful way, and his teaching helps refine our observations during casetaking, leading to a deeper understanding of patient expressions.

His publications have been included in major professional journals including Homeopathy, Homeopathic Heritage, Il medico Homeopata, Revista de Homeopatia, Int. Jour. High Dilution Res, Ukrainian Journal of Homeopathy, and more.

PRAISE FOR Gheorghe Jurj

This was a wonderful piece of homeopathy!! Excellent, you took the viewer on a guided tour of a very difficult and baffling case and you came out on top with the remedy nobody could have imagined! So it was a great success.

I watched it unfolding like a detective story, very gripping, very engaging and the 'whodunit' came as a surprise I'm sure to many viewers.

T_________!! who would have thought it? So yes it was a remarkable case study. Bravo! thanks very much.

I noticed right at the start you said, 'please look closely for signs,' and you repeated that point several times, and rare, peculiar, I think this is a very good way to learn case taking and also materia medica. You made it clear how closely we must study what the patient is saying and how relevant it is to the case, to finding the remedy.

I also liked your point about the patient being like a prover, that is a wonderful analogy and a very fruitful way of looking at a case...their symptoms, their pathology, their sickness is an expression of a drug exactly like the symptoms of a proving! that I think is a very insightful way of talking about homeopathy in practice, it helps us to see a case as a proving, as an expression of a drug, like the voice of the drug is speaking to us through the patient. And this hits the very pulse of homeopathy where the sickness speaks to us in the same language as the proving if only we could understand what it is saying!


— Peter Morrell, Med...

When I first met Dr. Gheorghe Jurj, many years ago, well before the time of webinars and Zoom meetings, he sent me a CD by regular mail. When I opened it, I could hardly believe my eyes. His was an approach to homeopathy practice unlike anything any practitioner ever knew, no matter their experience, whether short or very, very long. Countless times I had occasion to witness the same surprise and amazement among very experienced practitioners around the world.

When you first enter the world of Gheorghe’s practice, nothing you ever learned will prepare you for this experience. You will be challenged at every turn. Gheorghe doesn’t “lecture,” but he “puts problems,” as he likes to say. And the problems he puts are those all of us meet in real-life, everyday clinical practice. Gheorghe’s ultimate aim is not to teach you “a method,” much less a sophisticated and complex theoretical system—even though he has a doctorate in philosophy, his dissertation is precisely on the deep semiotic aspects of homeopathic symptoms.

Gheorghe will ask you “what do you see?”

In his courses, indeed, you will learn how to see in a homeopathically relevant way. Then you’ll realize that up to then you behaved as a blind pilot, steering your aircraft exclusively based on oral instructions received through a highly noisy and distorted channel.

At the same time, Gheorghe will focus on how to think in a practical, clinical way. You will learn how to integrate all possible sources of information—what the patient says, their attitude and behavior, and the incredible uniqueness of the physical manifestations of the countless homeopathic remedies.

In Gheorghe’s courses, you will not sit comfortably to listen to a lecture and note down wonderful pearls of wisdom. He will not show you “spectacular cases” he magically solved through an out-of-this-world perception. He will put you face-to-face to consultations filmed real-time. After a few minutes (yes! a few minutes!) he will tell you: “This is the case! What is the remedy?” He will then go back painstakingly, second by second, pointing out to a million of signs, symptoms, individual characteristics, you simply could not see. And he’ll explain you carefully how all this information is essentially interconnected, and thus points to one single homeopathic medicine or family of medicines.

Dr. Jurj understood, and masters like no one else the most important among Samuel Hahnemann’s teachings: to develop our capacity to observe, “refining and regulating the perceptions of the senses,” and at the same time, sharpening our faculty of judgment, while suspending all “fantastic wit and speculation.”

Silvia Waisse, MD, PhD, BC Homeopathy
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of journal Homeopathy
Former Executive Editor of Revista de Homeopatia
See the special dossier “Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy”

— Silvia Waisse MD, ...

Let me start with my conclusion:

Dr Gheorghe Jurj is a remarkable Doctor, Homœopath and Teacher with an enormous amount of clinical knowledge to impart to our Homœopathic community. As a person he is as warm wise and knowledgeable as his smile is wide and genuine.

Now for some details:
Gheorghe is an MD practising Homœopathy in Romania for more than 30 years.
He holds a PhD in Semiotics. Semiotics is the study of how we use signs and symbols to create meaning and how that meaning is then communicated. Gheorghe has brought together Semiotics and Homœopathy in a wonderful way.
When we as Homœopaths take a case, the weight of consideration goes to the verbal expressions of the patient with perhaps some observational notes. Hahnemann says in a footnote to Aphorism 22.
“When made ill by noxious agents, our life principle cannot do anything else than express its depression caused by disturbance of the regularity of its life, by symptoms, by means of which the intelligent physician is ask for aid.”
The changes which occur in illness are a message from the vitality requesting exactly the needed remedial assistance.

Gheorghe’s teaching opens our eyes like never before. For decades he has been asking the question “how can what I Observe guide me towards a remedy.” Objective signs do not lie. He has been teaching Post Graduate courses in Homœopathy to Physicians in Romania, Spain and South America for many years. I have been asking him to bring his marvellous work to an English speaking audience and just now he has agreed.

There is so much to enjoy learning from this excellent teacher. Consider the following that he has taught in his many courses:

  • What observation of the nails and finger tips might indicate Bryonia?
  • What single gesture might point us towards Baryta?
  • What discoloration of the foot demands Secale?
  • What gesture of the hand makes us immediately think of Berberis?
  • What is the gait of Conium and how is it different from Lathyrus?

Many of these are his original observations and many were excavated from the literature. He takes this art and science of non-verbal signs in Homœopathy to an unheard of level. More than this Gheorghe has over the decades made videos of his patients. An enormous video library showing the results he has achieved. He utilizes this as an excellent teaching tool allowing us to experience these meaningful signs in actual patients.

Studying with this man and this video evidence is a great clinical education.

Please do not miss this. I know I will be there.


— Joe Kellerstein, D...

Dr. Jurj has strenuously developed the art of patient observation, through a careful deciphering of signs, symptoms, and their meaning. His courses have complex visual components (both photo and video) which are drawn from his own practice, and are clearly, accessibly and rigorously objectified. His interpretation of symptoms, case evolution and the results he achieved are solid testimonies for his work methods and ethics.

More than 30 years of clinical, academic and international education experience set the highest standard for these courses, making them a must in the portfolio of any homeopathy practitioner, regardless of their level of experience.

— Calin Andron, MD, ...

Since 2004, Dr. Gheorghe Jurj has conducted over 30 seminars in Ukraine focusing on the homeopathic treatment of different pathologies in children and adults. His seminars are always held at the highest scientific level and are very informative. Upon showcasing the different cases he has worked on, most include video demonstrations that highlight the engaging nature of his method. Dr. Jurj's courses are attended by over 100 doctors, many traveling from Russia, Belarus and Lithuania to learn from his approach.

— Dergachova Zoya MD...

I have attended Dr. Jurj's Homeopathy courses with great interest over the last 15 years and warmly recommend them. Dr. Jurj's courses provide pragmatic benchmarks for an effective homeopathic case management. His methods bring to the forefront the significance of medical semiotics, particularly the individual visual signs, and reconsider the role of objective signs within a homeopathic practice.

— Liliana Petruse, M...

I had started with the classical study of Homeopathy 12 year prior to meeting Dr. Jurj. Of all the studied methods, Dr. Jurj's was the most impactful... It was stunning to see him with children - their play, their dialogue appropriate for the child's level was followed by a precise theory. What then would follow was a translation with the accuracy of a clinical blade.
I've learned to see the patient as a person, to understand signs, and to quickly interpret the ensemble holistically. Everything was to fit, to become coherent, to flow. At the end there was no other conclusion to be reached and no other remedy to be prescribed... I learned to prescribe correctly because I have learned to focus on signs, and figured that words would only take you so far and were a small part of the significant whole. I've continued to be informed about and read other works, however as a practitioner I remain what I became after the few months spent with Dr.Jurj - a ~jurjist~.

— Dan Militaru, MD, ...

The teaching method of Dr. Jurj is based in the coherence between signs and symptoms that are accessible to our senses together with the Generals and Mentals of the Patient. It is a Mastery method for considering and including the characteristics, peculiars, striking symptoms into the Totality of the case. We also learn about Physiology and Pathology in a way that helps us to use it in the context of the Homeopathic approach.

Dr. Jurj has developed the ability to create in the audience the eagerness for researching deeper the non-verbal signs and symptoms of the patient. It is a real training for expanding our knowledge and understanding of Materia Medica from the clinical experience rather than just book studies. It is a non-stopping exercise to develop the potential for taking the facts of the signs of the patient and getting from them reliable information to be applied for the most accurate prescription.

— Antonio Ortega

Simplicity with coherence of Homeopathic Symptomatology.

— Fermin Nieves

Magnificent homeopathic clinical training.

— Manuel Gutierrez

The essence of the clinical symptom in Homeopathy.

— Francisco Moya

I feel so blessed to be part of this phenomenal learning experience. It’s a gift to be able to see recorded consultations done in a clinic setting with a live teacher where the details that can be missed in a live case taking are pointed out in detail and analysed step-by-step on the recorded video. 

It has helped me leaps and bounds in my understanding of Materia Medica. 

I don’t want this learning experience to end, and would like Dr. Jurj to just keep on teaching us. I am his lifelong student now!"

— Aisha Afghan 



Refund Policy: No refunds issued for WHN courses
If you are having technical issues with PayPal and need help enrolling,
please contact the Course Coordinator at:,
888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)

Your registration includes:

  • A multimedia presentation with simultaneous computer and audio conferencing.
  • Optional online discussion forum with other course participants.
  • Online review and self-assessment quiz for the live sessions.
  • Documentation of 12 Homeopathic Education Hours
  • Access to our WHN Course website.
  • High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
  • Case assignments and repertorizations may be posted at the discretion of the instructor.

Discs WILL NOT be produced for this course.

You do not need to participate live to receive the full benefit from these sessions. All sessions will be recorded and posted on the private course website for review at your convenience.

*To receive Verification of Attendance: You must watch the live or recorded sessions, and complete all quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your letter at the conclusion of the course.

For More Information - or to register offline:
or call 888-722-5423 (Pacific Time)