John Henry Clarke


Dr. Clarke was one of the most eminent homoeopaths of England. He had his famous Clinic at 8 Bolton Street, Piccadilly, located in London.

Anyone who met Clarke even once must have been impressed with the feeling of an exceptional human being, a forceful personality, a man apart. He was so busy in his studies that he had very little time to mix with others. He was a prodigious worker, as his published works testify, to say nothing of the host of private patients from all parts of the world. He was also a consulting physician to the London Homoeopathic Hospital. He was the editor of the 'Homoeopathic World' for twenty-nine years. His famous publications are as follows:

The Prescriber - A Dictionary of the New Therapeutics
...with an essay on "How to Practice Homoeopathy." This little book has helped thousands of lay practitioners to prescribe successfully and carry the message of homoeopathy to far off lands. It is one of the 'must-have' books for every new practitioner of Homoeopathy. Its indications of remedies are based on personal experiences of a number of reputed homoeopaths like Burnett, Hughes, Cooper, Ruddock, Neatby, Salser, etc.

The Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica
...consists of 3 volumes. In it he has given the synonyms, the source, the provers' experiences, clinical indications, temperament, keynotes and characteristics, modalities, pathological, sensational, locational and causational indications of each drug. He has also given the provings of the drug. In addition, the relationship of the drug to other remedies.

A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica
...was specifically designed by him for the study of his huge Materia Medica. The Repertory is very helpful for individualization of the simillimum from other similar remedies.

Dr. Clarke belongs to the band of provers of Nosodes, the products of disease used as homoeopathic remedies. The chief stalwarts among them were: Swan, Fincke, Clarke, Burnett, Hering, Stearns, Wheeler, Bach, Patterson, Grimmer and others.

He has the credit of introducing the following remedies to the Homoeopathic Materia Medica: Pertussin, Carcinosinum, Epihysterinum, Baccillinum Testicum, Morbillinum, Parotidinum, Scarletinum, and Scirrhinum.